A Waging War by Kelly Doheney
Image | Ron Lach
A Waging War
Deep within, a battle rages on.
A war where darkness is growing.
The light is dimming, almost gone.
Fear grips this war that is ongoing.
The enemies of my mind that exist in my soul
whisper a subtle deceit.
They prevent my soul from becoming whole.
They are the fuel of my deepest defeat.
My heart, a fortress, is under attack.
The armor of hope is worn and torn.
I have lost the innocence that I can never get back.
The only thing left to do is mourn.
Depression seeks to destroy me.
The fire is slowly burning out.
I must fight the war to be free.
I must regain the hope I cannot be without.
I need to fight the urge to give up.
Awakening the warrior within.
This war within I must disrupt,
Taking the barriers down, letting healing begin.
The battle is fierce, but I will not surrender.
It is the silence that continues this war.
I need to take down the pretender
And let the truth finally pour.
© Kelly Doheney
Kelly Doheney is an emerging author of poetry, flash fiction, and short stories. Her work can be seen on Spillwords, Academy of the Heart, and Agape Review.
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