A Teeter Totter of Emotions by Kelly Doheney
A Teeter Totter of Emotions
Emotions swirl a turbulent flight;
A mental trap in the dead of night.
The chaos of waves through a stormy sea;
Never knowing which ones are me.
One minute joyful, the next minute sad.
All depending on what the moment demands.
Up, down, and all around;
Emotions make a confusing sound.
Fear and hope, intwines like a vine.
Calm and chaos blend at the same time.
A tornado suddenly changing course.
My brain is all out of sorts.
In this spiderweb, I search for a path.
Deciphering what’s true is not simple math.
Emotions spin as a globe does,
Creating a mental fuzz.
Amidst the turmoil, I seek peace.
In this prison, I seek release.
A guiding light to lead my way
Through the darkness to the light of day.
© Kelly Doheney
Kelly Doheney is an emerging author of poetry, flash fiction, and short stories. Her work can be seen on Spillwords, Academy of the Heart, and Agape Review.
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