Autumn Colors My Eyes by Myrtle Thomas


Photo of a lake in Batesville, Indiana © R & M Thomas 

Autumn Colors My Eyes

the night's darkness has moved
to expose the autumn day
frost glistens on the colored leaves
as they wave in their bright robes.

daylight brings the rumble of autumn
thunder, at first a trickle of rain drops
then steady crystal sheets wash the air
and battle the tree branches as they bend
in the wind like skeletons.

I recall a racoon walking through a corn field
searching for mice or left over corn kernels
feet so quiet not even a hair is disturbed
or a fallen leaf torn by their claws.

when autumn arrives my eyes are even larger
the window's of my soul rejoice at the first leaf
while my heart dances in the month of my birth
a day between sun and moon where Virgo passes
the torch to Libra.

time seems to move quickly from frost
to the whisper of winter's angry winds
the door seems to breathe and shudder
my eyes still hold the robes of red and gold
with just a hint of emerld green hues.

autumn is an artist without paint brushes
without borders and boundaries without rules
but it was just yesterday that my heart sank
in knowing that I have to let go of the beautiful
landscape of full moons resting on red branches.

it's here in the tabernacle of heaven and earth
that my restless soul finds the calm rivers of hope
the congregation of leaves and emerald moss
a chorus of sparkling stars hung in the universe
the moonlight and sunlight witness a stir of faith.

I can lay my mind to rest for maybe just a moment
and dream of white clouds against a blue sky
and the scent of fresh rain as it sits on a clump of moss
my church is found in the woods where I walk as a child
where I speak quietly and secretly to the creator
the spirit remains Holy.

© Myrtle Thomas

Myrtle Thomas lives in the United States and is retired which gives her time to write her poetry. Myrtle has been published in several poetry journals such as " Otherwise Engaged Literature and Arts Journal , Lothlorien Poetry Journal , Fevers of The Mind Journal, Keeping The Flame Alive,  Sincere Dalliances , Literary Cocktail Magazine , Writers and Readers Magazine , Masticadores USA WordPress , Chewers and Masticadores WordPress , October Stories , Ink Pantry. She can be found on ALL poetry .com under Penn name Blue2U.


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